Hey all, soon you will be able to talk to someone in the game, an NPC, who checks for legal combat / holiday weapons. Lets say, for example, it's a month or two after the United States holiday of July 4, Independence day, and you fight someone and they really tear you a new one. If you think that person might still be using a higher weapon or item from the holidays that they legally received as a bonus, but it should be turned in by now, you can talk to that person and have that person spy on the character.
If that character is found to have an item that should have been turned in and/or sold when that period of time was over, it will be retrieved from that player's inventory, and they will lose their chance to cash it in for gold and xp. You will also receive a finders fee for turning in that person to boot !!!!
So, turn in those bonus holiday weapons, or suffer some sort of random punishment, say a stay in hell, jail, or worse.