I will be doing several things.
First off all core scripts are cached again. They were cached by the server a while back, before the upgrade to CEP 2.3, and are done so again.
I have reduced the size of some scripts and streamlined them for quicker execution.
And, I am also thinking of limiting the amount of items that characters can carry on their persons. I did a dry run, and all works well. It's all done. I have not come up with a limit yet, but just to tell you what Ghunna had on em... 844 items!
I am going to ask for some opinions on this, but at it stands now, I am close to 200. To aid with this, I am adding a Evil Token Bank item and a Slaad Tongue Bank, as well. When used, those items will tally up what you have on you, and bank them into the item. That way they won't clutter up your inventory and you can more easily store them for trading or quests.
So, the way this works, is that when you enter Micidal General, The Ruins or The Coven, you will have an item check. Stacks count only as one item, so no worries there. If you have more than say 200 items, it will tell you that, and port you to The Void. There a woman will have a store to help rid you of some items, or you can just drop what is in excess. There is an X on the floor, a pressure plate, that will tell you how many items you have in your inventory, and the woman gives another brief explanation of the process.
That's it, and this will help all and keep Despair lean and trim!
Love Czecky!